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How To Write A Perfect Job Description : Tips With Do’s & Don’ts

Write A Perfect Job Description
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A job description, or what we call JD in today’s time, is a piece of information to inform candidates about job opportunities. The JD talks about the job role, company, and other KRAs. 

Knowing how to develop a full and perfect job description helps interested candidates understand the job requirements before applying. In this blog, we will talk about job descriptions and provide recommendations for drafting a perfect job description.

What is a job description?

A job description outlines the duties and responsibilities of an available job position. When it contains the appropriate information, it assists job seekers in determining whether their abilities and qualifications are a good fit for the role. 

From a company’s standpoint, job descriptions assist hiring teams in receiving applications that closely fit the organization’s requirements. Essentially, it allows a human resources department or external recruiters to streamline the job selection process. 

What are the elements of a job description?

  1. Job Title – Job title should be clear, concise & it should be according to job responsibility.
  2. Company overview-Make job seekers acquainted with who you are and what you stand for! Showing your company’s culture helps them decide if they’ll be a great fit.
  3. Salary Transparency: Always believe in fair compensation. That’s why one must always share the salary range upfront so candidates can make informed decisions.
  4. Clear Job Description: Make the candidates understand the role completely. Your job descriptions should be clear, concise, and outline everything they need to know.
  5. Unveiling the Opportunity: Forget generic job descriptions! One should paint a clear picture of the role, its impact, and how it contributes to company’s bigger vision.
  6. Experience- Briefly mention the level of experience (e.g., entry-level, 2+ years) to target the right candidates.
  7. Required Qualifications & Skills- List the qualifications and skills required for the job (e.g., software proficiency, communication skills).
  8. Additional Perks & Benefits- Highlight any enticing perks and benefits to attract top talent (e.g., health insurance, gym membership).
  9. Working Hours – State the expected working hours and working days. (e.g., full-time, Monday-Friday).

Tips to write perfect job descriptions

If you work in management or human resources, you should understand how to create a detailed job description for an open position at your organization. Use these 11 tips to create an effective job description:

It all starts with language

Write a job description in clear and straightforward language. Instead of jargon and complicated terminology, use plain and direct language that candidates can comprehend. Before releasing your job descriptions, make sure they are clear and easy to understand.

Use clear job titles

Use professional job titles for your job descriptions, and advertise for the specific position you’re looking for. For example, if you wish to hire a call center representative, specify the job title rather than advertising for a marketing specialist or a “rockstar marketer.” This helps prospective applicants better grasp the role.

Use your company tone

Job descriptions can reflect a company’s culture. Keep a positive tone throughout the job description. While remaining professional is crucial, use kind and courteous language to make all candidates feel welcome and encouraged to apply.

Keep the JD short

Provide candidates with an overview of their daily responsibilities in this position. Write a brief and basic job description to help candidates grasp their role. To provide more clarity, avoid using hard terminology. For example, rather than mentioning that it is the candidate’s role to manage the marketing department, specify that it is their responsibility to manage social media accounts, manage the company’s digital marketing accounts, and measure interaction across all social media channels.

Create concise and appealing job descriptions that are simple to read. Instead of writing job roles in paragraph format, make them bulleted so they’re easy to read. Create well-organized sections throughout. Keep in mind that candidates may see your job description via computer, phone, or tablet. Make sure it’s easy to read on all devices.

No fake information

Include only what is expected of candidates. Identify the required skills and experience and include only that information in the job description. While you can list your ideal applicant qualifications, make sure your request is still appropriate for the role and level of employment.


Talk about growth

When writing a job description, describe how the position adds to the company’s aims and objectives. Doing so allows them to realize the difference they can make if hired. In addition, discuss any prospects for progression and how their performance in the role would help the organization expand overall.

Show them it’s urgent

Regardless of whether you need to fill a position immediately, provide a sense of urgency in your job description to entice people to apply. Instead of a general company email address, include specific start dates and contact information for each employee. Direct contact information can also lead to a more efficient approach.

Review once before posting

Before posting your job description, review it and correct any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. Look for methods to simplify your terminology and think about how to best describe the position to candidates. 

Do’s and Don’ts for Writing Job Descriptions

The “DOs” for composing job descriptions

  • Use a factual and impersonal style while drafting job descriptions. 
  • Create job descriptions based on the department’s needs.
  • Use entire sentences.
  • Create an accurate job description.
  • Keep sentence construction as basic as possible by removing extraneous words (for example, “in order to”).
  • Be explicit in your job description.
  • Concentrate on key activities.
  • In your job description, describe responsibilities and obligations in a logical order.

The “DON’Ts” for writing job descriptions

  • Use acronyms; don’t use terminology that only someone who works in the department would understand.
  • Use a narrative structure in your job description.
  • Create a step-by-step work description for the position you’re hiring for. Include minor chores that aren’t essential to the role’s core obligations. Ramble! Job descriptions cannot be more than a few pages lengthy; therefore, they must provide just the most significant and essential information.


By using these factors, you’ll create a job description that not only attracts potential candidates but also piques their interest in the opportunity. Don’t wait any longer to start developing your dream team write a convincing job description today with the help of Diffr!

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