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Most Asked Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers: July 2024 Updated List

Top Interview Questions For Freshers
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For those just starting out, cracking the interview process can feel like a major hurdle. It’s natural to be nervous and unsure about the questions that might come your way. In this article, we’ll delve into some common interview questions for beginners and provide detailed examples of how to respond to them.


Top Interview Questions For Freshers

Here are a few common interview questions for freshers:

  1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

The interviewer is interested in how you would talk about a topic that you are uniquely qualified to describe. The idea here is to show them something that isn’t already on your resume. It’s an excellent opportunity to tell them about your skills in a personalized manner without forcing too much information.

For example, from school until post-graduation, I participated in several community service projects, including volunteering to teach mathematics to the needy. My involvement and victory in state and zonal-level chess competitions gave me lateral thinking skills and prepared me for difficult assignments. My experiences have given me a larger perspective on life, as well as a deep respect for hard effort.

  1. What are your hobbies?

The goal of an HR interview is to determine whether you are the right match for the job. The interviewer may attempt to measure your personality features by asking a seemingly unrelated question about your preferred pastime. While your hobbies and interests may be unrelated to the profession, they might still be relevant.

Example: My degree in English literature has also broadened my vision to include classics published in other languages. When I’m not reading, I’m learning Spanish via an app. Throughout my adolescence, I received numerous awards for creative writing and elocution, and I continue to do so today by participating in open-mic poetry readings.

  1. Why do we hire you?

This could be one of the most difficult interview questions for newcomers, as well as the most important opportunity to highlight your abilities positively. Avoid comparing yourself to other candidates vying for the post, and be confident in your abilities.

For example, I meet the requirements for the position, and my academic performance speaks for itself. In addition to the final year project that I completed at Clear Manufacturing Company, I was a member of the team that interned at the same facility the semester before. This time helped me grasp many facets of the manufacturing process, worker safety, and factory operations. During my summer break, I enrolled in CNC programming and machine design software courses, which allowed me to multi-task if needed.

  1. Why do you want to work here in this company?

The individual interviewing you wants to know if you are interested in joining the organization or if this is a learning opportunity for you. You may expect this inquiry regardless of the industry you chose, so start by researching the company’s history, aims, and verticals.

Example: Despite being founded only a few years ago, your company is one of the fastest-growing e-commerce enterprises in the country. As a passionate consumer of the company, I’ve been following your success stories on social media and mainstream press. Your eco-friendly methods and CSR initiatives have proven particularly inspiring to young people. Furthermore, the corporate leadership and executive training programs offered on your campus have the potential to significantly advance my career.

  1. What are your salary expectations?

Freshers may be looking for entry-level positions, and without experience, you may not be able to put a figure on your pay. You can estimate your remuneration by examining wage ranges for various positions. Rather than providing a firm response, leave room for bargaining afterward. One method to achieve this is to state that you accept the most recent industry standards.

For example, because I am just starting out in my profession, I cannot provide you with a specific figure for my take-home pay, but I am anxious to join a fantastic business like yours where I can get valuable experience and advance my career. At this point, I would agree to the market bundle for beginners. Can you tell me what someone with the similar amount of experience and job responsibilities earns at your company?

  1. How long do you plan to remain with us and where do you see yourself in five years?

Employers invest heavily in training and onboarding new employees into their jobs and teams. If they recruit you, they want to ensure that you will stay for the long term. If it is a short-term post, avoid misrepresenting your motivations; instead, emphasize your joy for being considered for the position in such a respected company, as well as your eagerness to stay in a positive work environment.

For example, for a newcomer like me, the first few years provide a solid basis on which to grow my career, and I couldn’t have asked for a finer organization than yours. I would like to work for the company for as long as I can have a fulfilling career. According to what I’ve heard, mentors take recruits under their wing in a personalized manner. Over the next few years, I intend to hone my skills and bring my full ability to any assignment I am assigned.

  1. What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

When starting a new job, discussing your abilities is relatively easy and preferable. However, you can transform your shortcomings into concealed assets and offer stories about how you overcame such undesirable tendencies.

For example, I am an exceptional negotiator who can present strong arguments to help others comprehend. My athletic experience enables me to remain calm in tough situations and motivate my teammates during times of need. In terms of flaws, while I feel myself to be a highly aggressive individual, I might come across as overly abrupt at times. During my internship, I began to reserve my critiques and queries for emails rather than asking them directly in a group setting. This habit has helped me construct my sentences diplomatically and form solid professional ties.

  1. Do you have any questions?

After the interview questions for freshers are completed, the HR staff would want to know if you require any information regarding the company’s function. Before you leave, thank the interviewer and ask some of your questions.

Example: Yes, I do, thank you. What would be my daily tasks if I was hired for this position? Is management open to employee suggestions and feedback? Can you recommend any extra certifications I may obtain to begin a career in this field?

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