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Do And Don't For Employees : Office Etiquette

Do And Don't For Employees
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In competitive market times, it is an important factor for organizations to provide an environment of productivity, respect, and professionalism. Employees play a fundamental role in any business, and their attitudes have a major effect on culture and a company’s productivity rate. 

If you want to maintain the harmony and productivity of your workplace, creating procedures that show employees proper ways of acting and what kind of behavior is not acceptable is one of the greatest things a company can do. In this regard, these guidelines act as a principle for the right behavior of employees.

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In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of guidelines and essential do’s and don’ts that every company should incorporate into its employee guidelines.

Importance Of Having Workplace Guidelines 

Establishing Expectations

Various dos and don’ts allow employees to have clarity on the proper ways and those that are not allowed in a working environment. It causes to cut on misunderstandings.

Maintaining a Positive Work Culture

Clear rules, in turn, set the basis for the development of a respectful, professional, and responsible attitude among employees.

Encouraging Professional Development

Another advantage of a culture that defines and communicates work ethics is that it serves as a way for employees to see their learning and development. 

Creating a Safe and Inclusive Environment

 Directions on security measures, harassment prevention, and the principles of diversity and comprehension boost the atmosphere of a safe and collective workplace. 

Preventing Legal and Ethical Issues

Guidelines on the ethical use of company resources help maintain integrity and trust within the organization.

The Do’s For Employees in the Workplace:

Respect Colleagues

Respect is an essential feature of any workplace that promotes a positive environment. Interest the workforce in showing respect and kindness to the working members and their peers. 

Communicate Effectively

Effective communication is important in ruling and cooperation and is important for collaborative work. The administrator should motivate a team member to communicate flawlessly and in a polite manner with their colleagues, bosses, and other members. 

Prioritize Time Management

Conscious time management can help to become more productive. Provide employees with resource materials and skills to help them time allotted activities, for example, project management software and time tracker.

Maintain Professionalism

Professionalism sets the tone for the workplace culture. Encourage employees to dress appropriately, adhere to company policies and procedures, and conduct themselves professionally in all interactions.

Embrace Diversity and Inclusion

They are the values that are a basic driving force behind invention and creativity. Create an environment that does not only value diversity but also respects every individual. Offer training and support to develop workers’ awareness of unconscious prejudice along with inclusivity.

Take Ownership and Accountability

Encourage the staff to take ownership of their work as well as hold themselves in charge of their actions and decisions. Create a culture where mistakes are considered knowledge-grabbing opportunities. Motivate team members to take initiative, and solve problems on their own.

Read More : How to Motivate Your Employees?

The Don’ts For Employees in the Workplace

Don’t Tolerate Harassment or Discrimination

Convey that there is no place in the workplace for any instances of discrimination or harassment based on race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, or anything else that is a characteristic of the person. 

Don’t Engage in Gossip or Rumors

Discourage the employees from telling such things as rumors or gossip among them. Develop a trusting and open culture that facilitates the existence of problems and discourages their quick resolution.

Don’t Abuse Company Resources

Company resources, including equipment, buildings, innovation, and guides, shall be used on duty and the moral standard. Put in place comprehensive rules on the operation of company assets and control as to whether these rules are followed.

Don’t Ignore Feedback or Concerns

Encourage the employees to a regularly practice of getting feedback from their peers and superiors and seeking constructive criticism. Start provision of open channels for employees to report any complaints or input and guarantee their timely and transparent solutions.

Don’t Allow Toxic Behavior

Toxic behavior ranging from bullying to controlling the workforce through micromanaging or passive-aggressive communication can break the spirit of those working in the organization. Do not encourage toxic behaviour and take action quickly. 


Therefore, setting up a code of conduct that outlines what should and what not to do is crucial for creating a good, proper, and inclusive workplace culture. Adapt these standards into your work environment and empower your people to appreciate that they are valued, respected, and motivated to bring their best every day.

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